The objective of the Environmental Management Plan/Programme (EMP/r) is to provide measures to mitigate and manage construction, operation and decommissioning activities associated with a specific activity. An EMP/r for new developments usually has to be approved by the responsible governmental department prior to the commencement of the activity. This is to minimize potential negative impacts on the surrounding environment. This is achieved by:
- Assigning environmental impact mitigation responsibilities to key personnel,
- Developing specific action plans designed to ensure mitigation,
- Managing and auditing the specified action plans, and
- Managing stakeholder involvement.
An EMP/r can be seen as a tool, utilised by contractors, engineers and developers to guide development activities and manage potential negative effects. The effectiveness of this tool is assessed by Environmental Control Officers and is indicated by level of compliance.
2014 EIA Regulations
Please note that EIA Regulations do change from time to time and KSEMS cc are here to keep you abreast of the ever changing information. Please feel free to down load the PDF documents below to review the 2014 EIA Regulations.